Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mila Kunis Kisses Natalie Portman and Tells

Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine
Oh Mila Kunis, you hot little Russian spitfire, you. You say the darnedest things. Like when you talked to BlackBook magazine about kissing Natalie Portman. Well, I'll just let your words speak for themselves:

"It's two girls making out, and guys have a thing for that. And Nat is like every guy's dream. She's a nerd's idea of heaven. The whole thing is silly, but I can see why people care."

Um, first of all, it's not silly. And second, Natalie Portman is every guy's idea of heaven. And third Oh. My. God! Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis kissing is going to be the hottest thing to hit the screen since we all hoped the hottest thing to hit the screen would be Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson together in The Other Boleyn Girl. Except that didn't quite turn out the way we had hoped...

Still, can't wait to see you gals together in Black Swan. Until then, here's Mila's sultry photoshoot for BlackBook magazine.

Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine Mila Kunis Pictures from BlackBook Magazine

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