Friday, December 4, 2009

Jessica Simpson Disappoints

How could anyone not be disappointed with the pictures of Jessica Simpson out in NYC last night? She looks absolutely huge. Maybe it’s the camera angle, maybe it’s the outfit she happens to be wearing or maybe it’s the massive amounts of corn dogs and cheese doodles she’s been eating at all the f@#king country fairs she sang at this summer. Her agent needs to book her some “gigs” at a few fat farms or Jenny Craig conventions because this is getting out of hand. The button on her jacket looks like it’s holding on for dear life. Hang in there little guy.

Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures
Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures Jessica Simpson Pictures

Mariah Carey’s Fat Cleavage For Unicef

Here’s Mariah Carey at The 2009 Unicef Snowflake Ball. Knowing that Unicef is all about world hunger, I’m pretty sure Mariah and her fat boobies could feed a small 3rd world country. Not sure if silicon is toxic or not but if you’re starving I guess you’ve got to make do with what you get.

more pictures of Mariah Carey here

Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures
Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures
Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures Mariah Carey Pictures

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Alanna Kolette Picture Moment

Alanna Kolette Pictures Alanna Kolette Pictures Alanna Kolette Pictures
Alanna Kolette Pictures Alanna Kolette Pictures Alanna Kolette Pictures
Alanna Kolette Pictures

Katy Perry's Boobs Deserve a Grammy Award (or Would That be a Boobie Award?)

Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures
Katy Perry was on hand to announce the Grammy award nominees last night, and so were Katy Perry's boobs, which she never passes up an opportunity to show off. Of course, Katy Perry doesn't like it when you actually talk about her boobs, but I guess staring at them popping out of a dress that's three sizes too small is cool. Whatever, it's cool with me.

And yes, I think it would be a great idea to start the Boobie Awards.

Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures

Katy Perry Busts Out!!!

It’s nice to see that every now and again Katy Perry remembers that she’s a decent looking skinny girl with big ass boobs and decides to show them off to the world. Here she is at the Grammy Awards nomination concert last night doing just that. Personally I think she should be nominated for the‘Best Potential Motorboat’, ‘Best Chesticles By A Hipster Dufus’ and ‘Best Breast On A Chick Who Never Shows Them Off But Should Do It More Often Because They’re Huge’ awards. I’d vote for her.

more pictures of Katy Perry here

Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures
Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures
Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures Katy Perry Pictures
Katy Perry Pictures