Thursday, December 3, 2009

Katy Perry's Boobs Deserve a Grammy Award (or Would That be a Boobie Award?)

Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures
Katy Perry was on hand to announce the Grammy award nominees last night, and so were Katy Perry's boobs, which she never passes up an opportunity to show off. Of course, Katy Perry doesn't like it when you actually talk about her boobs, but I guess staring at them popping out of a dress that's three sizes too small is cool. Whatever, it's cool with me.

And yes, I think it would be a great idea to start the Boobie Awards.

Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures Katy Perry Boobs Cleavage Pictures

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